Stop Lying to Me
You’re driving on the road, enjoying the music and views, the sun shines on your face, and the skies are clear. It is a great day! Suddenly, a light flashes on your dashboard. On closer inspection, it appears to be the gaslight. You look at the light and feel a whirlwind of emotion rise. You feel hot, flushed, your hands are sweating, and your heart begins to pound as knots form in your...Learn More
Heartbreak Hotel: Finding meaning through loss or grief
I had the unfortunate displeasure of going through two fairly significant losses at the beginning of the year. The first loss I experienced was the loss of my grandmother (Nanny) and the second loss was the ending of a five-year romantic relationship. Because of the proximity of these two losses, I was, to be honest, a blubbering train wreck most days of the week. On one hand there was...Learn More
How to find happiness
If You’re Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands! A common question, or rather direction, I receive is some variation of “I just want to be happy, give me the tools to get there.” Alas I present you, How to reach true happiness You can’t. Now, the smug part of me so badly wants to leave this post at that, however because of the silence from my previous demand (clapping if you’re happy), the...Learn More