Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) strategies really work. In this post we provide you with one strategy that you can work through on your own.
The goal of cognitive behaviour therapy is to teach clients that while they cannot control every aspect of the world around them, they can take control of how they interpret and deal with things in their environment.
The following is one CBT strategy that you apply in your life:
1. Catch It:
“catching” negative thoughts means gaining an awareness of negative thinking as soon as possible. The sooner you become aware of negative thoughts that are self-denigrating, put you down or question your self-esteem the sooner you can begin to challenge those thoughts. So choose to become aware of the times you are engaging in negative thinking. The best time to catch yourself involved in negative inner dialogue is when you are feeling anxious, depressed, self-critical or upset in general.
2. Challenge It:
Ask yourself….. “What am I telling myself that is making me feel this way?” and ask the following questions:
- Is this extreme thinking?
- Is this distorted thinking? What is the evidence to confirm that your judgment is accurate? Are you using “should” statements to pressure yourself to meet self-imposed expectations that are unreasonably high?
- Is this thinking helpful or harmful?
3. Change It:
Replace your negative thinking with rational statements. Begin the process of replacing all-or-nothing thinking with thoughts that reflect shades of grey. Replace personalizing thoughts with more objective statements.
» Learn more about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy offered by Toronto Psychological Services.
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