This is one of the most common questions that clients and parents ask when they call to inquire about a comprehensive educational assessment that they can give to elementary schools, high schools, colleges, universities and graduate admission facilities.
At Toronto Psychological Services, we never over-book. The day a client attends the one-hour intake session and pays a retainer. ALL the hours considered necessary for the assessment, including testing, scoring and writing the report, are booked at the time of that session.
While there’s not necessarily an easy answer to the question, “How long will it take”, we make every effort to ensure your case will be completed within 2-3 weeks, from beginning to end. If that is not possible due to holidays/illness/etc., we tell you up front.
Educational Assessment Time Estimate
A Comprehensive Child or Younger Teen Educational Assessment:
- meet with parent/s for a one hour intake session prior to standardized testing
- schedule 6-hours of standardized testing with child
- spend 5-2 hours of scoring
- spend a full work-day (6-7 hours) writing the report
- a one hour feedback session with parent
- Note: This list has not included the time necessary to review existing documents such as previous assessments/report cards/health documents; a phone consultation with teacher or SERT; documentation between psychologist and school as well as the completion of questionnaires by parent at our office; and/or, further parent/assessor contact.
- Total time is approximately 18-20 hours for us to complete a child’s educational assessment
A Comprehensive Teen (age 16+) or Adult Educational Assessment:
- meet with client or parent/s for a one hour intake session prior to standardized testing
- schedule 8-hours of standardized testing with client
- spend 2 hours of scoring
- spend a full work-day (6-7 hours) writing the report
- a one hour feedback session with client or parent/s
- Note: This list has not included a review of existing documents such as previous assessments/report cards/health documents; the completion of questionnaires by informants at our office; and/or, further client/assessor contact.
- Total time is approximately 20-22 hours for us to complete an adult educational assessment
It goes without saying that some assessments such as a gifted assessment will take much less time (and cost less). Likewise, an educational assessment that includes more in-depth clinical work such as an assessment of personality, behaviour and/or social functioning will take more time (and cost more).
The most economical approach to a psychological assessment of any kind is to meet with a psychologist or psychological associate for one clinical hour to consult and determine the scope of the assessment.
Want to know more? To book an appointment, email info@torontopsychologicalservices.com or call(416) 531-0727. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask.
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